About us

Global Human Ressources solutions


Groupe Adéquat today


Groupe Adéquat provides global Human Resources solutions (temporary recruitment, fixed-term and permanent contracts, professional integration, HR consulting, training, risk prevention) through 7 strong and complementary brands (Adéquat, Adsearch, Sigmar recruitment, Totem, Connect, Skillflex and AxL Group) with over 1,900 employees in 400 offices and agencies in 7 countries, with a total turnover of 1.3 billion euros.


Groupe Adéquat’s mission? To accompany candidates from all profiles towards permanent or temporary employment with clients of all sizes and professions throughout the world. Groupe Adéquat’s employees aim to become the real “professional personal coaches” of their contacts. At Groupe Adéquat, we are confident that it is by creating relationships of trust over time and by developing a 360 ° knowledge that we will succeed in following and supporting our candidates throughout their professional career.


Groupe Adéquat’s philosophy is to encourage the development of each of its businesses as autonomous businesses focused on the issues of their key customers, in order to maintain and develop their competitive advantages in an increasingly complex market. while remaining true to shared common values.


Indeed, what makes Groupe Adéquat unique is its very strong corporate culture, resumed in the tagline: Simplement pour vous (“Simply for you”). This tagline shows a great commitment and loyalty to the company by our employees who dedicate themselves to our clients and candidates, with a direct and cordial style and an extreme respect for interpersonal relationships. This culture is the common foundation to all the Group’s brands.


Through its human-centered business, its corporate culture and its philosophy, Groupe Adéquat is naturally committed to supporting meaningful actions in the areas of professionalization, professional education and training, access to culture or more generally charitable projects affecting families.


Groupe Adéquat’s ambition is to continue its international development by growing its current brands and by integrating other strong and complementary brands.

The goal: to expand in 10 countries over the next 5 years and enter the 25 largest global companies on the market.

Our history

35 years by your side

icone-date 1987


Opening of the 1st agency (industry)

icone-date 1997

Opening of the ‘Building and Public Works’ sector 

Certification ISO 9002

icone-date 1998

8 agencies in Rhône-Alpes

Development of the Network in Rhône-Alpes

icone-date 2005

1st Parisian agency
55 agencies

icone-date 2009



icone-date 2011

1st Adsearch recruitment agency

icone-date 2011

110 agencies

icone-date 2012

Growth on a national level

icone-date 2015

1st agency
in Belgium

icone-date 2017

Launch of the Tony Parker

Adéquat Academy

icone-date 2018

Acquisition of Totem (Canada)

icone-date 2018

Acquisition of Sigmar


icone-date 2019

Acquisition of Connect


icone-date 2020

Take a majority stake in Skillflex People.

icone-date 2021

Acquisition of Bray, Larouche et Associés


Growth on a international level