Groupe Adéquat in working order in the face of the unprecedented situation on a global level !

In all the countries in which Groupe Adéquat is present, teams are showing exceptional commitment during this unprecedented period.

In France, Adéquat Interim & Recrutement and Adsearch are almost 100 teleworked and show a spirit of innovation to continue to support their customers.

In Belgium, Adéquat Interim & Recrutement and Skillflex are equally mobilized, also with teleworking and the implementation of systematic Skype and Visio interviews.

In Irland, Sigmar Recruitment is operational with a majority of home office employees to support its customers, in particular by supporting priority sectors in the search for candidates.

In Netherlands, Connect applies local government measures and combines home office and physical presence. The entire team remains at the service of its clients and maintains a permanent privileged relationship with its temporary workers and freelancers.

Finally in Montreal, TOTEM Recruteur de talent, in teleworking, is perfectly organized to support its customers, especially those operating in sectors very affected by the situation.

All together, we will take this crucial step and come out even stronger !

Well done everyone, take care of yourself !


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